By ticking off these 12 tips, you’ll be giving yourself the ultimate Christmas present.
Super on parental leave pay is now law
New parents will soon receive superannuation payments on top of their paid parental leave (PPL).
Selling a property with mixed rental and residential use
Selling a property used for mixed rental and residence purposes has a lot of (CGT) issues
Who is a spouse under the tax laws, and why does it matter?
Some aspects of your individual tax assessment depend on your spouse’s income.
Division 293 tax – Will you be caught?
If you’re a high-income earner, you may soon be asked to pay an extra 15% tax
What’s not considered “income” by the ATO?
The ATO classifies the amounts that it doesn’t count as assessable into three different categories
Claiming interest expenses for rental properties
Rental property owners should remember three simple steps when preparing their return
Gifting And The Age Pension
Many people gift assets to their family or friends to give them a helping hand.